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时间:2025-03-14 03:50:06 来源:百卉千葩网 作者:休闲 阅读:855次




Reflecting the negative outlook,工业 market pricing of liquid gas products, particularly of liquid oxygen, crumbled in Shandong and Northeastern China, and in Southern China due to a rapidly rising inventory level; liquid argon pricing weakened further in some areas, but was little changed in Southern China; liquid nitrogen (LN2) weakened in Shanghai but was basically stable in most other places.


Production output of gas products changed little in the past week,工业 but inventory of liquid products, subsequently merchant supply rebounded in many regions.


Liquid argon price slumped 400/T to 2800/Tin Jiangsu,气体 whilst liquid oxygen and nitrogen prices there were unchanged in anticipation of plant maintenance stops; in Shandong, liquid oxygen price fell to 1700/T, and liquid argon price dropped to 2660/T.


e-Gas expect further selloffs in most merchant industrial gases markets in the coming week or so in view of the present supply and demand dynamics. 返回搜狐,价格近日来,华北的外销气体市场较为平静。

Consumption demand for industrial gas products softened visibly due to more factories being shuttered as more environment protection measures are been implemented and more strictly enforced, especially in northern regions which is under further environmental pressure with the approaching 13th National Game. Merchant demand for liquid oxygen was particularly hit as steel mills cease operation, but that for other products was stable in many locations.



Led by Northern China, liquid oxygen (LO2) prices were slashed sharply in many places in the last days, and liquid argon (LAr) further tumbled in Eastern China. But all prices remain higher than seen in the previous years.


As of August 22, liquid oxygen price traded RMB 300/T lower in the past 6 days to 1150 in Shanghai, liquid argon price has been cut by 250/T to 2900/T, and according to e-Gas data, liquid nitrogen price,also declined 250/T, skidded to 850/T.

江苏的液氩价格回落400元/T至2800/T,上海的液氧价格6天来下降300元/T至1150/T,据e-Gas 数据,跌至850/T。液氩价格跌250/T至2900/T,

Since the drastic cut last week, merchant industrial gas market in Northern China stabilized.



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